A BetterPomodoro

What exactly is Pomodoro?

Pomodoro is a self study technique first created by Italian entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo. Pomodoro in on itself means Tomato in Italian. Pomodoro refers to the tomato shaped kitchen timer that it's creator, Cirillo used in his technique. Pomodoro refers to a task management technique where a stretch of time allocated for focus work and resting is taken alternately to avoid burn-out that lead to less efficient progress.

Some studies have shown that the Pomodoro Technique has some merit due to its primary focus of distributing work/rest blocks and strict control of time and distractions which has been proven to be useful in long periods of focused attention.

What makes this application special?

Pomodoro is generally used with a 25 minute task block and 30 minute rest block for most effective result in productivity. However, as some people have longer/shorter attention spans, mental capacity, or perhaps need longer range of time for their mind to get into the zone! It is only natural for these blocks to be adjustable according to their users needs.

Whether you want the task block to keep getting shorter as sessions go by; or if you want these blocks to keep getting longer as a certain time pass; maybe even for it to go up and down accordingly! BetterPomodoro can fulfill those needs.